I made some cookies yesterday. They don't have the looks but they sure got the taste! At least, that's what my Mak said. I intended to give some to my bestfriend as a gift. I promised to give something sweet, to appreciate our friendship with hope that it'll last until the end. So I kept a few aside. I wanted to bake some cupcakes, as well. Kalau murah rezeki, ko dapat la ye... ;)
So, what did I do today? I woke up, cleaned my room. Lunched with Mak, my bro and sis. Then Mak, sis and myself went to KL. Mak bought some cotton fabric for my sis's Baju Kurung. She had very little of them in her wardrobe. We head off to Pertama Complex and I gave them both a treat at KFC. I (heart) KFC and I never got sick of their O.R. Chics. When I'm at the counter, ordering, I'll make sure that I get a snack plate with both parts as thighs. Eating with my hands + a pinch of thigh + some Life's Thai Chili Sauce + equal parts of coleslaw and mashed potatoes =
H E A V E N - O N - E A R T H !
Well, we got home and ever since 8pm, I've done a lot of surfing online shops. It interests me. One day I want to make my own handcrafted stuff and sell them (only if I have the time. huhu~). I've thought of charm bracelets and I'd like to "play" around with beads too, perhaps also to learn how to make silk-ribbon embroidery. I hope those plans are not just new additions to a bunch of silly dreams of mine. haha~
When People of The Book Fight...
15 years ago